Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Want to see end of Paris-Nice & Milan SanRemo in 2012...

Stivali !

Here follows some details of a proposed training camp. 10th to 18th March 2012
The 11th March sees the end of Pari-Nice and the 17th March Milan-SanRemo.

This time of year you can get away with shorts & knee warmers, even up high at 1000m.
Best to pack leg warmers & tights as well just in case.
Below are details of 'location', 'accommodation' and 'itinerary'.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Baldichieri d'Asti

Stivali !               (view original post here, some links don't seem to work on FB)

Bit of a nip in the air setting off today, first time for tights & overshoes.
Still finding fantastic new routes here, right on our doorstep
Also stumbled upon a great CX circuit through the hazelnut tree groves

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

offroad terre dei santi

Stivali !             (view original post here, some links don't seem to work on FB)

mountainbiking today on all saints day. What ever happened to the all saints?
Well if they liked mountainbiking they'd have liked today's ride.
Beautiful colours with the sun shining and the leaves on the vines & trees turning a lovely yellow / orange / red / brown - fantastic.
We went out today to help a damsel in distress, a mountainbiker with a broken valve on her inner tube, no spare & no shops open on all saints day. They were quite big in Italy. We rode to her abode in Chieri, offroad, to meet her & then to take her out, down the tracks & trails local to her. But.....