Friday, 11 January 2013

live with less - enjoy more

Stivali !

At Christmas and the start of the new year, it’s nice to reflect and make plans for the future. Christmas is a time for giving to those who need, not those who don’t really need.
Is that being a scrooge? Well perhaps, but it highlights a point that Xmas is all too much about consumerism. We sometimes buy because we think we have to, but do they really need that present? Or is it just getting you off the hook?
Let’s consider the things that really matter. Not putting words into mouths, but there are only a handful of things we really need to survive, aren't there? And, money isn’t one of them. That’s just a thing we use to get them, or do we? Love, fun & friendship are free aren’t they? The other essentials to survive can be obtained through cooperation.
So, money. Could we live without it? No? Well, what about living with less. They say ‘live with less and enjoy more’. That’s our experience here and our motto for 2013. If you have to give something and are lost for suggestions my best Xmas gift was a recommendation to read ‘start something that matters’ by Blake Mycoskie. Get it from the library.
Remember; live with less - enjoy more.

Speroni !