Sunday, 9 June 2013

Stivali !

Italian Clarion section news:
So far, 2013 has been a colder than usual year in Piemonte and the rest of northern Italy. But that hasn’t
stopped riders getting out & about to race in events such as Gf Laigueglia, chilly but sunny and to see the Giro
(when it wasn’t raining or snowing). Section membership has doubled, though double figures are yet to be
reached. Welcome to Richard Ayres of Madrid (triathlete & roadie). Dick is riding the Quebrantahuesos on 22nd
June, 200km in the Pyrenees, good luck to him going over Somport 1700m at 50km and Portalet 1800m at
150km ouch ! Also welcome to Rob Morson of Chieri who plans to get out on his bike more as he retires this
June. Finally, congratulations to Lorraine & Julian who are proud new parents of new member Carlo Alan Mortel
born on 11th May. He’ll ride the track, road and mountain bike if his mother and father have any influence. He is
already practicing spinning his legs and saluting at every nappy change Forza Italian Clarion!
Following successful meetups with Stockport section and Cicli Piazza last year two more weekend breaks are
being organised that might interest other sections:
Le Langhe weekend, optional routes taking in between 200km to 300km for the weekend, 29th June and High
Alps tour on 6th September, taking in the Marmotte and Colle dell’Agnello. Alla prossima, arrivederci.


Le Langhe, home of fine wines truffles, hazelnuts & chocolate
Wake up and smell the coffee, Italian style

Laiueglia1 Julian Mortel riding Gf Laigueglia in February
Carlo Alan Mortel, Italian Clarion’s most special member

Speroni !