Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Motovelodromo di Corso Casale

Stivali !

Last Thursday I had my first session on the recently re-opened track. It was great to finally get on the track bike again. It's been in its box for nearly four years since arriving here.
The track is open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8.30pm on Thursdays.
To ride it costs just €105 for the year, even though the surface is not as smooth as the boards at Manchester, it's better than I remember at Newcastle. So great value. The photos below are from a visit I made when we first arrived in Turin. Will have to take the camera to next Thursday's session.

the bike path adjacent the river Po (longest river in Italy), in the Fausto Coppi gardens

it's a big 400m concrete track, originally built in the early 1900's for motorbikes, but later used for track racing and the finish of Milano - Torino 1-day classic

you get a great feeling being inside the drome

the banking is as scary as any I've ridden, not managed to hold it above the blue line yet

even though it's old the track is fairly smooth and fast

Speroni !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julian
    What angle is the banking? It looks like a wall and reminds me of the good old days at Leicester before they made it wood. 400m is a nice length... will be expecting some wins!
    Joe is going to start riding the track in the next week or two (Dave has lent him his Koga) and me an Lindsay will be dusting off the track irons.
